Monday, December 21, 2009

Merry Christmas

Merry Christmas to all you blog readers.
It has been a long time from my last family update and I have now come to the understanding that blogging and many other things are on the back burner for now. All the work that comes with have four kids really leaves me with very little free time and I'm too tried most nights to turn on the computer. The work of being a mom is really hard and so so great at the same time. I really believe that the hardest things in life are the greatest things. I feel very blessed this year with the birth of our baby Brandon, he really completes our family. He is the happiest baby and makes are whole family happy. He is such a happy baby that in the middle of the night when he wakes up to eat he wakes me up by cooing and laughing. It is so cute that I look ward to waking up in the middle of the night to feed him. I really love this little guy.
I hope this week you will all have joy and peace as we celebrate the birth of the Savior , Jesus Christ.

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Brandon 2 months old

I would have to say that one of the best things in the whole world is a smile from a baby and Brandon is so good at them. Every morring he wakes up smiling and then he gives them all day long to our family. We are so luck to have this happy little boy as part of our family.

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Lots of fun in August

It is time for an update on the Anderson family. We have had a month full of many firsts for our family. We took our first family photo with Brandon. Brandon is now 7 weeks old and loves his family.

Our happy little one...

Addie & Emma started soccer.

Addie doesn't like wearing socks... As demonstrated in this photo, it's always a fight

But once she gets her socks on, she sure can play...
....and do cartwheels

Emma was awesome in her first game. She stole the ball a few times, broke away from the pack, and scored 2 goals. She also had 2 shots on goal, but they didn't go in. Her coaches were very impressed and wanted to make sure they are documented as her first coaches for when she goes pro.
Emma's first goal...
Showing that she scored 2 goals.
Brandon didn't care about all the hype of put him to sleep. But if they were golfing, you can be sure he would have been awake rooting on his sisters...
Chad doesn't waste any time brainwashing his children into playing golf...
He was actually giving Brandon putting tips as he was putting. Watch out Tiger!
Adam enjoys playing with his new set of clubs he got for his 3rd birthday. He looks so cute walking with his clubs. He actually hit the ball to the bottom of the hill on this Par 3.Adam attempts to make his birdie putt....
It went in...yeah! He has Tiger's fist pump down pat.
The 17 at Ojai Valley Inn. Do you think he can carry it 125 yards over the hazard?

No, of course not. He's only 3... Give him another year. Tiger couldn't do it until he was 5!

First Day of school

Brandon's blessing day- August 23, 2009
A couple of baldies. They look like twins, just 32 years apart.
The circle of love...
Power to the little people
Brandon had his 1st trip to Disneyland on August 24th.
Adam had his Pirate Party to celebrate his 3rd birthday.
Mom made Adam's cake from scratch. It's a pirate ship.

The pinata was bigger than Adam.

Friday, July 17, 2009

Our little boy is here!!!

Brandon Ronald Anderson
July 16th at 12:10 A.M.
8 lbs, 2 oz 20 1/2 inches
Mom & Dad's first seconds with Brandon.

Celebrating the birth of our LAST child!

Less than one minute old...

Proud siblings came to visit Brandon later that morning. They were
so excited to have their brother join the family.

Adam says, "I'm not the baby any more. I'm the Big Boy." He told mom,
"I take my baby home now."

Proud big brother

Emma was constantly taking off the beannie to check Brandon's
hair color. She's excited he is gonna be a toe-head like her.

Addie told mom that now she gets to practice "for reals" to be a mom.
She is constantly saying she will change all diapers, even the dirty ones.
The first time she saw a dirty diaper, she reconsidered and said, "Eww
that's gross" and stepped away.
Ashlyn and Scott came over to our house and watched the kids while
we went to the hospital. When the kids came to visit Brandon for the first
time, they brought these cards for their brother. Thanks Ashlyn & Scott!!
Brandon is a great baby. He sleeps well and eats good. We are so lucky
to be blessed with such a wonderful baby. :)

A couple baldies...