Friday, July 17, 2009

Our little boy is here!!!

Brandon Ronald Anderson
July 16th at 12:10 A.M.
8 lbs, 2 oz 20 1/2 inches
Mom & Dad's first seconds with Brandon.

Celebrating the birth of our LAST child!

Less than one minute old...

Proud siblings came to visit Brandon later that morning. They were
so excited to have their brother join the family.

Adam says, "I'm not the baby any more. I'm the Big Boy." He told mom,
"I take my baby home now."

Proud big brother

Emma was constantly taking off the beannie to check Brandon's
hair color. She's excited he is gonna be a toe-head like her.

Addie told mom that now she gets to practice "for reals" to be a mom.
She is constantly saying she will change all diapers, even the dirty ones.
The first time she saw a dirty diaper, she reconsidered and said, "Eww
that's gross" and stepped away.
Ashlyn and Scott came over to our house and watched the kids while
we went to the hospital. When the kids came to visit Brandon for the first
time, they brought these cards for their brother. Thanks Ashlyn & Scott!!
Brandon is a great baby. He sleeps well and eats good. We are so lucky
to be blessed with such a wonderful baby. :)

A couple baldies...

Friday, July 10, 2009

Happy 4th of July

So I know it is July 10th now, but happy late 4th to all of you.
Thanks to family and friends, we had a great 4th of July.
We started the morning off with a great pancake breakfast at church. Then we headed off
to the city's pushem- pullem parade. The kids really love being in the parade and I think it is fun to see all the people and get in the spirit of the 4th.

Adam's favorite part of the parade was at the begining when he and Hannah tried to eat all the candy he had brought that was supposed to be thrown as he walked down the parade.

The day ended with a fireworks show, root beer floats, and three happy kids.

Waitting for Brandon

As you can see there is no baby yet, just an ever growing belly and a more and more tired mommy. I have about 1 1/2 weeks until my due date and like all moms at the end I look forward to have a baby to let others hold too. The kids are very excited to meet there new brother and ask me every day when he will be here. Thanks to my mom I have these great pictures, she took them this morring.