Today I'm a REAL Mom on mothers day, doing it all.
Chad went to work at 4:45 am this morning and so no breaks for me.
Chad did leave out these beautiful flowers for me this morning and a sweet card.
REAL moms on Mother's Day get up at 6:30 am with four kids, make breakfast,
my pick, of course, waffles and sauges. Then get four kids ready for 9:00 am church.
Go to church and then come home to this:
Which I'm choosing to save until tomorrow, it is mothers day.
The kids have been real good today they told me that because
it was Mother's Day, they were not going to fight or whine.
I of corse told them that sounded great.
On this mother's day, I want to write about each one of my kids
and what I love about them.
Addie is my little helper, we often call her little mommy
because she is always helping out. When I need help
she is always willing to do it. She loves school and has
come a long way this year with reading. She can now read
small chapter books and she is so excited.
Addie is very caring and often thinks of others and wants
every one to be kind and loving.
Addie has been learning how to play the piano and
I'm amazed at how good she is at it.
She is very excited about her upcoming
8th birthday when she will be baptized.
Emma 6 1/2 years old
Emma is my score keeper. She likes to make sure all is fair in our house,
unless it is beneficial for her. It is always ok with her if she gets a little more
than everyone else in the house.
Emma still likes to sit right next to me on the couch or right
on top of me if I let her. She loves to cuddle.
Emma also loves to be the best and will always put
100% into what she is doing to win.
Emma is in kindergarden this year and has done great!
She is in the top of here class, and has lots of friends.
Adam 3 1/2 years old
Adam is my boy. He is a real mommas boy and
wants to be with me all the time.
Adam has fallen in love with his DS and I have to put
it up most days so he will play with something else.
Adam still loves golf and is always trying to swing his clubs in the house.
I had to make a no club swinging rule unless Brandon is taking a nap rule.
Adam will say with great excitement when Brandon is napping,
" I can swing my clubs now Brandon is sleeping" as he is running
for his clubs.
Adam is an all-boy boy. He needs to run, jump and wrestle
every day or he will turn into a beast. I have had a lot of fun playing with him.
Brandon 10 months old
Brandon is my baby who is growing waaaaaay to fast.
He is now in the exploration stage which means he makes big messes and fast.
He can crawl really fast and if you turn you back on him,
he will get into something. His lastest favorite things to do are
open all the drawers in the kincken and pull everything out. He
is also in love with rolling out all the toilet paper in the bathroom
and putting his hands in the toilet.
Brandon is a very happy baby. He loves all food and
will still take two naps a day for me, which I love.
Today for the first time Brandon looked right at me and yelled out
" ma ma ma"
from his highchair after he was done with his lunch. It was so cute.
On this Mother's Day I feel very blessed to be a REAL mom
and spend the day like I always get to with my kids
who I love more and more every day.
Emma 6 1/2 years old
Emma is my score keeper. She likes to make sure all is fair in our house,
unless it is beneficial for her. It is always ok with her if she gets a little more
than everyone else in the house.
Emma still likes to sit right next to me on the couch or right
on top of me if I let her. She loves to cuddle.
Emma also loves to be the best and will always put
100% into what she is doing to win.
Emma is in kindergarden this year and has done great!
She is in the top of here class, and has lots of friends.
Adam 3 1/2 years old
Adam is my boy. He is a real mommas boy and
wants to be with me all the time.
Adam has fallen in love with his DS and I have to put
it up most days so he will play with something else.
Adam still loves golf and is always trying to swing his clubs in the house.
I had to make a no club swinging rule unless Brandon is taking a nap rule.
Adam will say with great excitement when Brandon is napping,
" I can swing my clubs now Brandon is sleeping" as he is running
for his clubs.
Adam is an all-boy boy. He needs to run, jump and wrestle
every day or he will turn into a beast. I have had a lot of fun playing with him.
Brandon 10 months old
Brandon is my baby who is growing waaaaaay to fast.
He is now in the exploration stage which means he makes big messes and fast.
He can crawl really fast and if you turn you back on him,
he will get into something. His lastest favorite things to do are
open all the drawers in the kincken and pull everything out. He
is also in love with rolling out all the toilet paper in the bathroom
and putting his hands in the toilet.
Brandon is a very happy baby. He loves all food and
will still take two naps a day for me, which I love.
Today for the first time Brandon looked right at me and yelled out
" ma ma ma"
from his highchair after he was done with his lunch. It was so cute.
On this Mother's Day I feel very blessed to be a REAL mom
and spend the day like I always get to with my kids
who I love more and more every day.