Thursday, May 22, 2008

Yes we are still here!

So we are still here.
Sorry I have not posted in along time. Chad just fixed our internet yesterday so I'm back.
We love Ventura, we have had great weather the last 2 months and have spend alot of time outside. I had been wanting to get beach pictures of my kids done and I finally got around to it. I had alot of fun take these pictures and by the end of the afternoon I had alot of great beach pictures.


Leslie said...

Welcome back to Blog land! Your kids are beautiful - and you of course, take lovely pictures. We will be in town the first 10 days of June - it would be nice to see you guys if we could.

laurdacooj said...

yea! I'm so glad your back! Your family is so cute! I can totally tell these are your babies, they all look like their cute mommy! We love you guys, and were probably coming up your way the end of June- we'll call you if we make it up there!