Sunday, January 18, 2009

Baby # 4 is on it's way!

So the world keeps on going and I keep sitting on the couch with too much house work to do and no energy to do it. I 'm about 14 weeks pregnant and this baby is letting me know it wants to be the last one. With all my other pregnancy I was only sick at night and this one I feel sick all day ever day. Hopefully as I start this next week I will feel better.
The girls are really excited that we are having a baby and already kiss my belly every night and "say good night baby" They tell every one that they want a baby brother so Adam can have someone to wrestle with. I too would love another boy so Adam could have a brother, but I know we will get who ever is meant for our family and who has been waiting to come to our family.


Tricia said...

Boy or girl we know this baby will be darling! Try to get some rest and I hope week 14 is good to you!!! Congrats.

Leslie said...

Hooray for new baby! I hope you get feeling better quick. :)

Jodi said...

How exciting! It seems like little Rasmussen grandbabies come in herds and it looks like 2009 is going to be especially busy.

Monson Family said...

Yeah! Congratulations! That is so exciting! I hope you feel better really soon!!!

Deno'N'Mo said...

My offer still stands...whenever you need a break or help give me a call! :)

laurdacooj said...

YIPEE!! Congratulations wonderful Christal & Chad! I'm so excited for you! I hope this week is better for you:) xoxo!

sheila said...

I am excited for you guys too! I was laughing a little reading about your life right now. It is the same for me. I sit on the couch and want someone to clean it and make it stop smelling weird. DJ thinks I am weird but he has done a great job picking up my slack.
Anyway get lot's of rest. i can't wait to hear what you are having. I want a boy too. But I like girls so that 'l be good too.

Susanne said...

Yay! I'm so excited for you guys! I can totally sympathize with the morning sickness. I'm at week 21 and STILL feel sick in the morning. Can't wait to find out what you're having!

Tara said...

Horray! Sooooo excited for you! (Minus the feeling sick part...that stinks.)
Get some rest. Hope you are feeling better soon. And don't forget to share with all of us when you find out the gender of the baby!!

Tanya said...

i'm so happy for you guys! Congrats, when is your wee one due?

Nate said...

Congrats to you guys! Four babies! We thought we were getting brave with three.

Chad, Shoot me an email bro.
Got some AT&T Pro-Am stories.