Friday, July 17, 2009

Our little boy is here!!!

Brandon Ronald Anderson
July 16th at 12:10 A.M.
8 lbs, 2 oz 20 1/2 inches
Mom & Dad's first seconds with Brandon.

Celebrating the birth of our LAST child!

Less than one minute old...

Proud siblings came to visit Brandon later that morning. They were
so excited to have their brother join the family.

Adam says, "I'm not the baby any more. I'm the Big Boy." He told mom,
"I take my baby home now."

Proud big brother

Emma was constantly taking off the beannie to check Brandon's
hair color. She's excited he is gonna be a toe-head like her.

Addie told mom that now she gets to practice "for reals" to be a mom.
She is constantly saying she will change all diapers, even the dirty ones.
The first time she saw a dirty diaper, she reconsidered and said, "Eww
that's gross" and stepped away.
Ashlyn and Scott came over to our house and watched the kids while
we went to the hospital. When the kids came to visit Brandon for the first
time, they brought these cards for their brother. Thanks Ashlyn & Scott!!
Brandon is a great baby. He sleeps well and eats good. We are so lucky
to be blessed with such a wonderful baby. :)

A couple baldies...


reidamylips said...

congrat...he is a very handsome addition...your kids are beautiful


Lisa and Daniel said...

He is adorable. I wish I could be there right now to meet the little one. Christal, you look amazing, and the last picture with Chad and Brandon is SO cute!! Congratulations guys.

kristen said...

awesome! congratulations guys-- he looks like a handsome little man. can't wait to meet him.

Leslie said...

He is a beautiful Baldie!! I love the cards from the siblings - so sweet! Great pics.

Meredith said...

Congratulations you guys....what a beautiful family!

Jodi said...

Love the last picture of your "baldies" and the handmade cards the kids made. Congrats on your precious little boy!

Justin M. Bowen said...

Congrats Crystal! Your family is so adorable and has grown so much since I was there! We couldn't be happier for you. Take care and let Addie change all the diapers she wants!

marisa said...

we can't wait to hold him!

laurdacooj said...

Congratulations! He is so handsome, and is totally a little Anderson! Yea, for big kids too- thats awesome to have Addie... maybe she'll change her mind again:) love you!

Susanne said...

Oh my goodness! What a cutie! Congrats, you guys!

gr8day2no said...

Congratulations!! He is so sweet! Speaking of is mine! I'm a little more than a few minutes old.....heeheehee!! You guys all look great!! Miss you! Congrats agiain!!

Spenny and Nellie Morris said...

Congrats! He is adorable! I'm sure he'll be well taken care of my his siblings. Love the pictures-what a treasure.

Tricia said...

Congrats! He is one darling little boy. You look great and I love seeing the joy on all your kids faces as they welcome their new little brother into the family.

Moose and Family said...

Congratulations on the beautiful new baby boy. You'll have to keep us posted on how it is to have FOUR!! Cute pictures!