Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Remembering Hannah

In memory of Hannah Naomi, a dear friend's baby daughter whose life on this earth was just for a moment, I am announcing that I have become a volunteer photographer with the non-profit organization Now I Lay Me Down to Sleep.

This organization works to preserve the memory of children whose lives on this earth are but for a moment, through photography. I have had the opportunity to work with two families by creating lasting memories for them of their little ones.
After my friend lost her daughter, the reality of this life became more real to me. My appreciation for my own children grew immensly. The knowledge of the gospel helped me find peace as I know that one day Hannah will be reunited with her parents and brothers. After experiencing Hannah's passing and the pain her family felt it opened my eyes to these types of trials that many face all over the world. I have wanted to find some way to ease the burden for families who lose their babies.
When I found out about this organization I knew that my prayers had been answered as it would provide a way for me to serve and share my talents with others. Each time I have been able to take photos for families I remember sweet Hannah and her family. I hope that as I work with these families I can help ease their burdens by giving them a lasting memory of their babies.


Lisa and Daniel said...

That is so sweet. I'm really touched by what you've been doing with your talents and Thank you for sharing them with all of us!
I don't know how you hold your emotions together while your in the room with a child you know will be back with Heavenly Father in a matter of only minutes or have already passed.
I really think its amazing your doing this and I'm sure the families your doing this for think that as well.

kristen said...

Hey Christal! This is the same organization that took pictures for Jonny's sister when her little boy was stillborn last summer. It meant so much to her, and then having the photos afterward was a way for those of us who couldn't be there to at least share in some way what they went through & know something about our little nephew we didn't get to meet. I think it's awesome that you're doing this... but like the last comment said, I don't know how you can hold it together. I just looked at some photos on their site & am bawling like a baby. Anyway, good for you & I hope it's a great experience for you. I'm sure it will mean a lot to the people you help.

Jodi said...

Christal I am so touched by this post. You are doing such a wonderful service for the families of stillborn children.

laurdacooj said...

oh Christal, I love you so so much! You are such an angel! I clicked on your blog today (hannah's day) and was so overwhelmed with love and gratitude for you and all you are. I love you read more into you thoughts and selflessness. I wish I would have known about this marvelous opportunity when we had our Hannah. I'm so emotional today- I just want to come hug you! thank you for the special post! I'm going to copy it, if you don't mind, it is so sweet! Love you!

Stan & Isabelle said...

I have tears in my eyes, ok rolling down my cheeks! Laurel showed me your blog. You are a wonderful person and friend. I thank you and your family for the dear friends that you are...I love you much!! Your family is so adorable!
Love Isabelle (Sister Packer)

Justin M. Bowen said...

That is amazing. I am sure it is hard, but what a difference that makes to the parents and family, I got your Christmas card in the mail. Thanks so much! And congrats in number 4! We are in Vegas now, so if you ever want to come and stay that would be awesome! Take care!

Tara said...

You are swesome for doing this. I have always been touched by programs like this. By taking these pictures, you are capturing details of that sweet baby that the family will get to cherish forever! Wonderful!

grandmaaleen said...

Christal, what a treasure that photo is of precious Hannah. . . Thank you for sharing your fantastic talents with aching families, as well as those sharing joyful times.

Melissa and Joshua were blessed by your patience and generosity to photograph them at your beautiful Ventura beach before their marriage. Thank you for being such a wonderful sister to Marisa (and Justin) and thoughtful aunt to my beloved granddaughters, Lainey, Malia, and Lyndie.

Hopefully you are feeling well by now. I understand completely, as I had some difficult initial pregnancy months. Take good care of yourself!

I appreciate your wonderful photos and blog. I wasn't able to access Ashlyn's, so it was great to see her sweet baby's photos. Have a delightful week. . .
